Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I spent this weekend with Leslie, because Karla had to go home and I wanted to go to the Shakespeare play.
Well, it wasn't really a play, it was more of a showcase. The evening opened with this guy in a dress, who told us all about the globe theatre and Shakespeare himself. He told us how Shakespeare is responsible for a lot of words we use today.
(My favorites were 'to cudgel' and 'bedazzle')

He kinda reminded me of Elrond's gang…only they had more hair.
Then the play started! It was an improv skit based on Midsummer Night's Dream, and was hilarious. Puck had to train four other faeries, so she decided to make them a team and have them help put a couple of lovers together. Unfortunately for her plan, wacky hijinks ensued and it didn't work out. The snobby faerie ran off with one of the boys and then two of the faeries ran off with one guy. He looked really happy.
And if you think the one faerie on the right is Bre, you're right! She was Moth, and she looked great.
Afterwards, things got a little crazy, and there was hats and dancing….Tom taught me how to Yatta!

I had a blast, and the only thing that would have made it better was if Karla had been there too.
Although she might have been jealous.

Yeah. It was a good night.


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